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E-523 Conventional
Lead product with exceptional yield levels. Above average test weight with excellent late season stalk strength. Medium tall hybrid with semiflex ears at medium height. Very good on Goss's wilt and anthracnose. Very good on tar spot, northern leaf blight and greensnap. Excellent ratings COC. Plant at Medium high to high population.
E-598 Conventional
Outstanding top end yielding hybrid. Medium tall plant with strong stalks and roots with lower greensnap risk. Very good disease tolerance including Goss's wilt. Very good drought tolerance and fungicide response. Good Earflex and Eargirth. Medium high to high population.
E-514 Conventional
​New conventional hybrid with consistent performance across all soil types. Medium height, high yielding hybrid with stress tolerance. Strong disease tolerance to NLB, tar spot and Goss's wilt. Very good fungicide response and COC. Very good stalk and good roots. Plant at moderate populations. Limited Supply.
E-539 Conventional
Medium tall plant with very good stalks and roots. Semiflex ear type with long ears and good kernal depth with good test weight. Excellent early vigor and very good disease and Goss ratings. Population tolerance medium-medium high. Corn on corn recommended with fungicide.

Medium tall hybrid with medium ear height. Good ear flex for variable populations. Very good drought and green snap tolerance. Very good stalk rating with average roots. Excellent yield performance with good dry down. Very good stalk health and stalk anthranose resistance.
E-670 Conventional
New Hybrid with dominant yield. Very good stalk and root ratings. Girthy ear with very good ear flex. Medium plant and ear height. Excellent fungicide responce but average corn on corn. Average drought tolerance and dry down. Population tolerance medium-to-medium high 30-34k.
E-600 Double Pro RIB
An ASR hybrid with very strong yield potential east to west. Semiflex ear with good stress tolerance. Good stalk rating with very good root rating. Good on greensnap, drought tolerance, and plant intactness. Very good early plant vigor. Excellent drydown. Not recomended COC Population tollerance M to MH.
E-699 Conventional
Tall hybrid with very good stalks and good roots. Very good early plant vigor and good drought tolerance. Good on Goss's wilt and stalk anthracnose. Excellent upper end yield potential with high management. Semiflex ear with medium-to-medium high population recommended.
E-699 Double Pro RIB
Same Genetics as E699 Roundup Ready with corn borer resistance, refuge in bag.

New Hybrid with very good stalks, roots and drought tolerance. Semi Flex ear for low to moderate populations. Very good on green snap, stay green and dry down. Good on Goss's wilt and excellent on stalk anthracnose. Medium plant and ear height. Excellent yield in moderate and high yield environments.

E-664 Conventional
New Conventional hybrid with strong yield performance, large flex style ear with deep kernels. Excellent stress tolerance and outstanding disease tolerance including Goss's wilt, grey leaf spot, NLB and tar spot. Best performance on medium and light soil types. Very good COC and Fungicide response. Plant at moderate populations. Limited supply.
E-658 Conventional
Semiflex ear type with very good drought tolerance. Excellent top end yield across most soil types. Very good stalks and excellent roots aid late season standability. Very good emergence and excellent early vigor for reduced tillage and early planting. Very good disease package with good Goss' wilt.
E-654 Conventional
Hybrid with exceptional yield levels. Very good disease package with great late season stalks. Very good silage option with medium tall plants. Semiflex hybrid with very good emergence and vigor. Plant at medium to high populations on all soil types. Not recommended for COC.
E-612 Conventional
Outstanding yielding hybrid with fast drydown. Widely adapted across varying environments. Very good ear vigor with good stress tolerance. Good stalk with very good roots. Medium tall plant with medium ear height. Above average drought tolerance. Excellent high population tolerance.
E-859 Conventional
Attractive medium tall plant with medium ear placement. Excellent top end yield potential for productive and variable yield environments. Very good early vigor, stalk and root ratings. Girthy ear, semi determinate. Medium high population tolerance. Not recommened for corn on corn.

SILO BLEND Conventional
A Blend of multiple varieties available in:
Early Conventional. (85-95-Day)
Late Conventional. (98-105-Day)
Early Roundup Ready. (85-95-Day)
Late Roundup Ready. (98-105-Day)
Limited Supply​

Enestvedt Brothers Odean, Johannes, Bert selecting ears to show at the county fair.
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